Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sketch Book round two!

Finished my second sketchbook here in Rome. They are in reverse order, the last ones being from the tail end of my first sketchbook. enjoy...

Roman Sculpture

So I continued to work with material from the Tibre River. I created a series of little beings...part animal, part machine. One of my favorite aspects of anthropomorphic work is gesture. With a simple bend of a "leg" or shift of a "head" you can instantly give a pile of junk limitless character. The creatures are all around a square foot.

I also made what I call a religious "painting". It is a portrait of a River God from a religion of my own making. It is accompanied by offerings of Earth, Fire and Water. The energy comes from the cross motif. The figure is about 8 feet tall just to give you an idea of scale.

It has been a while since I have done a sculptural painting. They evolve so much during the making. I hang one thing, throw a nail in it, lean something on that, remove another thing, etc. etc. What I make slowly comes into being.